Welcome to
St. Francis
Anglican Church

Schedule of Services
Masks Required
Holy Communion
12:00 PM​
Morning Prayer
9:00 AM
Evening Prayer
8:00 PM
While the FAMS started as a reaction against the Anglo Papist and Anglo Catholic movement, many Anglo Catholic elements of liturgical worship have blossomed and become regular in the Free Anglican Mission Society. The Free Anglican Mission Society strives to be a via media between the two liturgical expressions. When we say ALL are welcome, WE REALLY MEAN IT!
“He loves us beyond comprehension,
and we cannot diminish his love for us.”
Silver Spring, Maryland

Support Our Church
With heart felt sincerity and gratitude we thank you for considering making a donation to St Francis Anglican Church. Your generous donations will go to helping us continue our mission of spreading the word of God to His people, community outreach, operating expenses and insuring that St. Francis Anglican Church thrives. Remember:
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
Proverbs 19:17
Your donations are tax deductible and receipts will be made available upon request.